Jonah The Prophet & Nineveh |
In the Book of Jonah, which is full of
life and teaching, we can contemplate the life of Jonah the Prophet
himself, his concern for his dignity, his esteem to his word, and
the astounding lapses he fell into owing to that feigned dignity.
How the gentile mariners were better than him and how better still
were the irrational creatures which obeyed God. The Ninevites, and
their contrition and true repentance. However, the deepest
reflection in this Book is the reflection on God Himself. It is
indeed a beautiful contemplation: God in the Book of Jonah. The
primary thing which attracts our attention in this beautiful story
is God's searching for man.
In this Book we see that God is the one who searches for man and not
vice versa. The life of repentance teaches us that man should return
to God, as did the Prodigal Son when he returned to his father. He
addressed himself, saying: “I will arise and go to my father"
(Luke 15:18) |
But in the Book of
Jonah we find that God is the One who searches for man in order to
bring him to repentance. We see Him searching for all. He goes about
seeking the souls that are His. He searches for the souls of those
in the ship to save them. He searches for the lost souls of the
people of Nineveh to make them repent to save them. He also uses
every possible means to save Jonah the Prophet. If man does not go
to Him, He goes to man to reform him and reconcile him. As Saint
James of Serog said about Christ's Birth, "There was a dissension
between God and man, and when man did not go to God to be
reconciled, God came down to reconcile man to Him". God does not see
this action of searching for man and seeking his love as contrary to
His honor. The Creator of heaven and earth finds His pleasure
in seeking the dust and ashes! This gives us an idea of the loving
kindness of paternity and of the forgiveness of the tolerant heart.
In searching for man, God used many different means among which some
were frightening, reproaching, convincing, showing kindness and
punishment. The most important thing to Him is to reach man's heart
and find Himself a place there. God's pleasure is man's love. He
wants to rest in man's heart. We also notice that God does not leave
man to his absolute freedom, not to the extent of disregarding him,
caring not for his destiny. He does not say to man: "If you come,
all right, and if you do not come, as you like!" No, rather, He
says: "if you do not come to Me, I will seek you, run after you,
search for you and hold you, and I will keep on doing so until I
restore you." God's head wishes to rest in the fatigued heart of man
to give him rest and turn his fatigue into comfort. We notice in the
Book of Jonah that God's searching for man was serious and not
ostensible nor a formality. The search persisted until love was
restored even if it meant striking man so that he may recover and
return to his love.
The Book of
Jonah The Prophet by HH. Pope Shenouda III |
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Fr. Arsanios Page

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Video for the Burial
2:  |

Pope Tawadros
Holy Mass Celebrations in our church
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sessions in our church:
First session. Monday Nov
13th, 2017:

Second session.
Wednesday Nov 15th, 2017

Third session.
Wednesday Nov 15th, 2017

Thank you Father |

Thank you, Father, for all You have given me -- much
more than I could even count.
For sunlight that streams into my window and warms my weary heart.
For moonlight on the nights I called out to You and let You wash away my
For people who love me when I seem most unlovable but when I need their
love the most. For giving them the grace.
For holding my heart when it is trembling.
For being that guiding Light when I am lost in the dark, with nowhere to
For caring enough to send the very best.
For the peace that my prayers are answered.
For the power you give to such a weak soul as mine when I reach out and
touch you. When I say "Dear God..." and You flow through me and suddenly
everything makes sense again.
For taking away the confusion when my heart is aching and when I do not
For soothing the fears that plague me so I can hardly move.
For putting a smile on my face and laughter in my heart at the strangest
For music which causes my very soul to sing and soar on the clouds towards
For eyes to see the beauty of Your world -- each towering tree and misty
sunset, each smiling face.
For voices which communicate love. To a heart so dry and hungering, they
are like water.
For being the foremost of those voices, Lord, and the
One who causes the rest to sing.
For the thrill of a new idea.
For the sweet serenity of a prayer answered -- a
sweetness I hold close to me like a treasure, and I say "My God
loves me."
For loving me enough to not answer all my prayers.
For wisdom to know what's best for me, and the
never-ending love to always dispose it.
For miracles, and the joy of knowing You ever deeper.
For loving me in the midst of my sin and bestowing blessings I could never
For the peace that infolds me with the simple knowledge that "Jesus
For having the awesome power to move even the most formidable mountains.
Mountains against which I struggle and rage and cry -- they are too big
for me and I stand defeated. But You who made the stars and the earth
and all the heavens can move them with the snap of a finger. And leave
me awestruck with nothing to do but bow down to Your majesty with
"Praise the Lord!" on my lips. And you say, "I'm not through with
you yet, my child. Show me the next mountain..."
For the great adventure of a life lived with You!
For being there when my spirit cries
For wiping the tears away from my eyes
For holding my heart close
For loving me when I need it the most
For touching me with moonlight when I call out to You in the empty night
For the stars and the peace and for my tears and the feeling of You that
surrounds me, soothing my fears
For the times when You have sustained me and I didn't even know it was
You, too blind to see that over all I do is the guiding touch of Your
hand Jesus
Dear all
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